Constructive Rest

Lying on the floor for just 15-20 minutes a day is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It is an important part of learning the Alexander Technique (AT) & forms part of your “homework”. In the AT this is known as semi-supine, the balanced resting state or constructive rest. Sometimes, it is just known as "lying down". It is intended to supplement your Alexander Technique Lessons, and is completed in your own time.

Benefits of semi-supine:

What to do…


What should I be thinking about?

The semi-supine position is the hallmark of the technique. It involves your active participation, but you do not need to interfere with what is going on. By practising the lying down work you will improve and accelerate your understanding of how your psycho-physical system functions.


The Directions/Orders

I want my neck to release

So that my head can go forward and up (from the top of my spine)

So that my back can lengthen and widen

So that my knees can go forward and slightly away from each other


REMEMBER: You do not “do” the directions. Thinking them is sufficient. The sequence (head, neck, back, knees) is more important than the words used.